The danger WoTLK Classic Gold posed by Battle Shout is not capped at 5 party members and increases when it is affecting individuals such as Hunter as well as Warlock pets within that same party.The chest you find at the end of the battle with The Seven in Blackrock Depths doesn't trigger a loot roll. Beware of Ninjas! Other players may not see a Hunter's quiver on their back.Shield Slam , as well as other off-hand abilities do not trigger additional attacks in the form of Windfury.Logging onto World of Warcraft : Battle for Azeroth while playing WoW Classic using the same account can cause you to be disconnected to WoW Classic. This happens in reverse too.

Hunter-related concerns:

Hunter "dead zone" is operating in accordance with the Reference Client.A pet wolf's Howl buff can be consumed by anything that creates damage, even if it is not benefiting from it. buff.A Hunter pet's Bite and Claw ability damage will not change in the tooltip based on the state of mind of the pet. The tooltip will always show the damage as though the pet were Content (yellow). This is the same as the Reference client.Traps are sometimes unable to be activated if the player passes over them extremely quickly (i.e. a Warrior's Charge ability). This behavior is consistent and is in line with Reference client.

Auto Shot does not emit sound when used in the course of animation for Hunter's Mark as well as different abilities.Scatter Shot, Wyvern Sting and Freezing Trap have diminishing returns.A The Hunter's Frost Trap ground effect will cause players to be able to break out of stealth.The rate at which pet focus regenerates is not always the same. Be aware that the level of attention that can be generated per tick may be variable, the amount generated throughout time is uniform and constant. There are some slight  buy WOW WoTLK Classic Gold differences in the interval between ticks which cause this to show inconsistently.Pet aggro radius is functioning properly and as expected.