Diablo IV Gold continues the saga of Blizzard's most popular games, offering a new look into Hell. The sins of man angels, demons and angels lie at the heart of the Diablo series as well as the former Archangel Tyrael lies squire-like between them all.

Then, long after Inarius and Lilith secretly created Sanctuary with the Nephalem as the children born to angels and men - the Council of Archangels met to determine humanity's fate. The vote was cast by Tyrael, who was the final vote and this means that he's accountable by the remainder of the Angiris Council, leading to him dying prior to what transpired in Diablo 4 all for the sake of mankind. His role in the new game is unclear at present However, there are possibilities that this crucial character will be considered in the future of the series.

Diablo 3 is a deep dive into Tyrael's tale, as he transforms into The Fallen Star by tearing off his own wings and falling to Sanctuary that is where descendants of Nephalem are residing. By joining forces with a powerful descendant, Tyrael is able to eliminate the primary evils and takes the control of his Black Soulstone. After the Archangel of Death, Maltheal, went after the stone, and then took on all of his companions, it was Tyrael who had his companion sent to Pandemonium to destroy death itself.

Tyrael is able to keep his mortal form . He then is reunited with his angelic brothers and becomes both an aspect of Justice and Wisdom. Diablo 3 ends with him contemplating whether his new mortal counterpart, who is likely to become corrupted should someday become the new danger towards Heaven, Hell, and Sanctuary, or even life itself. There's a reason that Aspect of Justice and Wisdom will not be able to sit back while Inarius is a mighty army that marches through Hell in search of his past love, Lilith.

The most recent Diablo 4 cinematic trailer from Blizzard features Inarius looking down Lilith as well as armies at both their backs. While the scene does not mention Tyrael's personal involvement, his creation of the Horadrim and his involvement with the various Paladins of Sanctuary suggests that he's in the game. Dark and light battles on the battlefield, and the now-dead Tyrael sits somewhere in between.

It is likely that his presence will be felt through these intermediaries until events require his intervention. Tyrael is still feeling the effects of the destruction of buy Diablo IV Gold his Worldstone at the end in Diablo 2.