The Spear is a weapon that can be used in a variety of ways that is a versatile weapon in the New World. This is the best Spear build guide will help you determine the most effective attributes that it has, as well as masteries and the best weapon to match it with.

 The Spear is a very versatile weapon in Amazon's new MMO, New World. This build guide will cover most of the features you're looking for in PvP, but it is also able to be modified and modified to level and for PvE.

 There are several good choices for weapons that can be used to the Spear. We take a look at the strongest one: The Bow and Spear for a strong Thrust-damage build, and it's the Spear Hatchet Build. We'll take an in-depth analysis of each of the abilities mastery passive, attributes, gear, and discuss some tips on how to make use of each.

 These are substantial buffs to some of the skills that we didn't include in our best Spear builds before, including Cyclone or Coup de Grace. Cyclone, in particular, is a CC-heavy move that helps push back your opponent and deals slow. It could be a suitable switch-up for something similar to Javelin throw.

 Spears excel at crowd control and zoning. Due to the fact that Spears have the most range of most melee weapons you're advised to keep your distance when engaged, using CC capabilities to change positions or open an opening when necessary.

 Most of the skills that we'll be using in this guide come drawn from the Zoner tree, since its CC effects make it excellent for PvE and PvP fights. Impaler is great to focus on damage or for pairing to other DoT weapons, such as the Rapier.

 The first is it's the Hatchet and Spear build. The Hatchet is, in my opinion, one of the best weapons in the New World, mostly thanks to its incredible Berserk abilities. It's a good match with the Spear, giving you backup effects of CC as well as range the times when Berserking doesn't suffice.

 We'll go over the advantages of the Hatchet here, but first ahead, we'll discuss the Spear. Here's a look at some of the best attributes and masteries for the Spear, as well as which active skills you should acquire.

 For this model, we've headed to the Zoner tree to increase critical hits as well as increase critical damage through passives. Thanks to NewWorldFans for the ability to design and modify builds via their site They are available here to try out your own designs. Here are the essential capabilities you should learn.

 Sweep - Sweep is crucial skill for playing this particular PvP Spear build. If activated Sweep is able to knock an opponent's legs from under them, disabling them for a short period. This is very efficient when playing PvP.

 Vault Kick - A potent PvP CC power that will stun your opponents and allow you to be mobile during the fight.

 Javelin - When combined with the Hatchet when combined, the Spear has a limited reach unless you grab the Javelin. This gives you the opportunity to launch an attack started from at a distance, but also the Javelin will also force your opponent into stagger.

 The entire purpose of this Spear is to control your adversaries. Keep them down for as long as is possible and then switch to Hatchet and Berserk to either chase your opponents or deal more damage.

 The Hatchet is one of our favorite weapons that we have in New World. Not only do its various features boost speed, making it easier to navigate the wide-open spaces of The game. But it's also very versatile and can be used in conjunction with a variety of other weapons. In this particular build, I dug very deep in the Throwing tree, mostly for range during PvP and to boost the debuffs as well as headshot multipliers by using passives.

 Berserk - Berserk is a vital skill required that is required to use the Hatchet. It gives you durability, speed, and also damage. By activating Berserk is a great way to chase down a fleeing adversary (most players will flee when they're in PvP when their health gets low) and also gives you an extra boost when you've taken too much damage.

 Social Distancing - Social distancing provides you with more mobility in evading and dodge akin to the Bow rather than the Hatchet. It's either of them that will work in this build, just remember. However, the Hatchet's throwing passives as well as abilities (like The Infected Toss) provide you with the chance to do more damage while you weave and dodge your opponent.

 Infected Throw Infected Throw is an essential skill in PvP. The infliction of Disease is a way to stop them healing for a short period especially at the beginning of the game when people typically use Rations to heal.

 If you're more comfortable the option of Rending Throw. It's a kind of crit-heavy build which starts with the Hatchet before switching to the Spear to allow CC.

 Because your Spear grows with strength and Dexterity, they are the two stats that you'll have to consider investing in. Concentrate on getting your Strength up first. With the best gear you will have an even distribution of Strength and Defensive strength or have a slight edge towards Strength. Medium or light armor will work for this build. Choose light armor if you wish to do more damage. You can equip medium if you feel yourself dying too quickly. To get perks, take anything that improves one of the abilities mentioned above, or grants cooling down.

 The Spear and Bow thrust build was extremely popular during the open beta . It will most likely be a solid build for the eventual launch for the game.

 It's an extremely adaptable build that excels in several crucial areas: you can take melee and ranged damage, is effective for PvP and Expeditions, and has plenty of control and endurance. Here's a closer look at the best weapons for each.

 You'll be going all-in on Dexterity in this build. This increases the damage of Your Spear and Bow and allow you to take massive damage if are able to get the build's rotation down. When it comes to armor, we suggest light because it offers a 20% damage increase. You won't be protected in light armor therefore, you must stay away. To get perks, you'll want anything that enhances your Spear or your bow's Poison Shot, as well as anything that helps cool down abilities.

 Before we get started on, it's essential to talk about specific features of Spear and the best ways to make use of it. This weapon takes some getting used to and mastering its capabilities and its range will turn you into a powerhouse to be reckoned by in PvE and PvP.

 Spear builds are mostly focused on PvP. With some modifications it is also useful in PvE. With a few tweaks, those CC abilities with the Spear can be employed against a lot of foes, especially if you choose to use the Cyclone AoE ability instead of Javelin such as.

 The best type of armor for the Spear build is most likely Light Armor. Its extra mobility is important to PvP. If you're using the Spear in Expeditions and PvE you may wish to replace it with the full set of medium armor.

 For most battles starting the fight with your Spear is recommended. Use your CC abilities to open up an opportunity to switch weapons, which will allow you to do acceptable damage. This is especially important in the case of a Hatchet.

 If you're using a ranged weapon, it might be a good idea to get started with engagements using the weapon you have ranged instead.

 If you like the builds you've seen here and want to experiment with other weapon archetypesthen check out our other build guides below.