Use treats for the first few days to reduce fear.

The first few days are critical to establishing a great relationship with your dog. During this time, your dog learns to identify you as the source of good things in their life. This association is important because it builds trust and helps your dog understand that it is safe to be with you.

To make this association, use treats around your dog's head, mouth and ears. These areas are sensitive, so touching them can be scary for dogs unless they have learned that it means good things are about to happen. If your dog is extremely scared, spend a few days getting them comfortable with being touched around the face before moving on to the next step.

Use lower settings

Most people use the default settings for their mouse and keyboard, but you may be able to run at half that sensitivity and still keep track of your opponent. You can also try most powerful shock collar lowering your resolution. You may not see as much of the game world at once, but it will make small movements more accurate.

For games like Overwatch, you’ll have to get used to this kind of low sensitivity if you want to get good.

Let them get adjusted

You know, everyone has their own way of doing things.

For example, some people like to get up early in the morning and enjoy a nice cup of coffee. I mean, who doesn't like that?

But some people are night owls and prefer to work late into the evening.

Some people like to start their day with a run. The fresh air is invigorating! And you can say hello to your neighbors while they're starting their day as well.

Some people prefer to go to the gym after work or head straight home and cook dinner.

There's no wrong way here, but you need to get used to your routine before you head back out on the road and put in another long week at work.

Go easy on your dog when you first use the shock collar.

Go easy on your dog when you first use the shock collar.

Although the shock collar is not painful or harmful, its shock is enough to distract the dog from what he is doing. The feeling can be a surprise to your dog and it might take some time for him to get used to it.

Use a soft tone when giving a command with the collar. You want your dog to associate the sound with a positive behavior, such as sitting or staying.

The best way to train a dog to stop barking is by consistent training and instruction. You will have plenty of opportunities everyday to train your dog not to bark, so take advantage of them!