Kenneth, Daniel and I made 60 buckets of biochar in between Nov 20th and Dec 2nd . Unfortunately we did not record on video all 60 buckets getting sequestered so carbonface only awarded 6.6 CharKilos for myself and 3 Charkilos for Kenneth. I am placing the CharKilos for sale for $5 each. However if you buy a CharKilo from me for $5 you are really offsetting 15 kilos of CO2 equivalent rather than the 2.5 kilos of CO2 equivalent that is usually offset by buying a CharKilo.
Kenneth, Daniel and I made 60 buckets of biochar in between Nov 20th and Dec 2nd . Unfortunately we did not record on video all 60 buckets getting sequestered so carbonface only awarded 6.6 CharKilos for myself and 3 Charkilos for Kenneth. I am placing the CharKilos for sale for $5 each. However if you buy a CharKilo from me for $5 you are really offsetting 15 kilos of CO2 equivalent rather than the 2.5 kilos of CO2 equivalent that is usually offset by buying a CharKilo.
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